Seja bem vindo, I am Layssa Valentina

My name is Layssa Valentina, I am a brazilian and a lover for movement and art of all forms. I have always been a bubbly and smiley soul since I was a child. My nickname was “risadinha” which in Portuguese means “little laugh”.

I never intended to become a teacher when I first started dance classes at 13, all I wanted was to move my body and be able to express my emotions.

I didn’t have an easy childhood and dancing was always where I would lean to find myself free from my inner troubles. At the time, I wasn’t aware that I was doing some sort of self healing, I only knew going to dance classes was a magical escape to express whatever I needed. I didn’t know that at in that moment, I was about to change my life forever.

A bit more of my journey

My dance journey hasn’t been easy. Besides a tough discipline forcing me to look for perfection at only 14, I was challenged to maintain a certain weight and considering my height and my Brazilian curves that never worked out. I suffered from eating disorder and anxiety and that’s when I decided to stop dancing.

Then I found a dance style called Brazilian Zouk in 2006, where everyone had different body shapes and were comfortable being themselves. They were perfect within all of their imperfections. I found a space where I finally fitted in. A place where I could just dance after all. I could embrace my curves freely and express myself.

Since then, I have travelled worldwide teaching at the biggest dance events and helping thousands of people for the last 15 years.  I always considered myself the luckiest to be able to make a living out of something I love so much.

But I suddenly caught myself in that spiral thinking, questioning my life, my decisions and the deepest layers of my soul.

That’s when I found Yoga. This practice from the start changed my life, bringing awareness to my breath, to my mind and to the spiritual world. I was blessed to have found my mentors and teachers that are constantly guiding me and most importantly, I found a relationship to my true Self.

My story and my suffering has been only lessons for me to evolve my practice, expand my heart and my knowledge, an opportunity to gain wisdom, so I could finally create an unique way of binding Dance & Mindfulness in a bowl of goodness. To me, Dance and Yoga is a ritual to connect to the Divine and others, a way of living, a tool to find freedom and expression and definitely a safe place to land when you need to be held.


Laughing and travelling is my surname

I’m obsessed with coffee & reading books

I spend all my money with Yoga (haha)

I’m from Rio de Janeiro

I love art, music and everything colourful

My dream is to visit India


My mission is to provide self-knowledge, healing and empowerment through movement and feeling, bringing awareness to the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies with joy.


I believe in a world where feeling and meaning walk together. I believe we came here to EVOLVE and learn with each other. I believe we are remembering to remember that love and compassion is the antidote for our soul’s journey.

Expertises & Experience

  • 16 years of experience teaching Brazilian Zouk at big festivals and workshops around the world (Partners Leo Neves 2007-2012 & Arthur Santos 2012-2020)

  • Scholarship at Nucleo de Danca Renata Peçanha (2007 -2009) - Brazil

  • 5 Years of study in Classical ballet ( Ballet Sandra Castro, Petite Danse Tijuca, Cia Marcia Pinheiro)- 2003 - 2008 Brazil

  • 200 hours Yoga Teachers Training with Human Kind 2022 (SA)

  • Assisting Simi Roche - Yoga Retreats 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (SA & Bali)

  • 50 hours Yin Yoga course with Melissa McLaughlin ( SA)

  • Prana Workshop with Kristin Spence 2021 (SA)

  • Ayurveda Workshop with Kristin Spence 2021 (SA)

  • Sat Chit Ananda Retreat with Kristin Spence ( 2023)

  • Authorized and Top instructor at Brazilian Zouk Dance Council since 2014

  • Certificate IV in Contemporary dance (2021) at ACArts SA

  • Transcendental Meditation course 2019 (SA)

  • Meditation Course with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield Online (2020)

  • Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 – Energy healing with Michelle (2021)

  • Emotional Intelligence course at Conquer Online (2021)

  • Yoni Power with Carol Teixeira Online (2021)

  • Family Constellation Teachers Training with Cibelle Mazzo Online (2022)


Movement, Respect, Self love, Compassion, Spirituality, Freedom, Empowerment, Kindness, Love, Ethics, Compromise, Connection, Creativity, Confidentiality, Self Knowledge,Wellbeing, Joy

Learn with Layssa

  • Retreats

  • Mentoring 1:1

  • 200h & 100h Teachers Training